Saturday, July 6, 2013

Once a Racer

It's been said that old race car drivers never die they just get shunted to the rear of the garage and left to gather dust. So when a mate of mine approached me to help him build a Group Na Historic Racing Sedan I admit to drooling uncontrollably. Now some people may giggle a bit at the idea of using a Standard 10 as a race car but the truth is way back when in my youth there were a few on the track. So the research began!

With the help of various Historic racing websites, blogs and assorted forums I soon began to gather even more information than I thought would be available. In particular the UK based Standard Motor Club's forum is a great help and also down here in Australia Charles Rogers and his website at: -

has been a great help with contacts and information. I'd also like to thank John Murn and Patrick Quinn for their help and contributions to my research.

So as I gather information and ideas the building and modifications to the car will start. For those who might be interested here are a couple of photos of the car before we start to wrec ..... eerrrr modify it. Call back every now and then for an update as the build progresses towards getting the car onto the track.

The Subject of the project. Pete's Standard Super 10

Front end will come out for a complete check, overhaul and some modifications

Apparently the existing rear springs are from a Mitsubishi Galant (?) They will be replaced.

Group Na Regulations allow some engine modifications

Interior to be stripped for a roll cage and drivers seat etc.

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